Tag Archives: focus groups

Sophie Nixon and Pacific Solutions in Academic & Research Transcription, Transcription

Curious about how your transcript will look? Try transcript customisation!

Pacific’s transcription service provides customised transcripts to suit each and every one of our client’s individual requirements. To fit your specific needs we offer a range of templates, formatting options, and transcription styles. We believe our transcript services should reflect the diversity of our clients.  That’s why we offer specialist transcript customisation. From telephone interviews […]

Sophie Nixon in Better Audio, Business & Legal Transcription, Media & Finance Transcription

Achieve a High-Quality Recording of Your Next Meeting

Organisations rely on audio recordings of their meetings and conferences. There are many advantages to recording a meeting, including: Keeping an accurate record Allowing people who were unable to attend, to catch up Ensuring the recordings can be turned into minutes or a transcript Holding a historical record of proceedings A high-quality recording will make […]


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+61 7 3378 4514




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